Future Continuous Tense

a.   It shows an activity that will be in progress at a time in future.


Right now I am sitting here. At this time tomorrow I will be sitting in my room.
b.   It expresses future without intentions, where the speaker had no planning in his mind. The action will occur in the normal course of events as routine.


                I will be seeing Shahid tomorrow.
c.   It expresses future without intentions, where the speaker had no planning in his mind. The action will occur in the normal course of events as routine.


        I will be seeing Shahid tomorrow.
It shows that the speaker and Shahid will meet I the ordinary course of events perhaps they work together. It is quite different from the following:
Here Shahid and the speaker have arranged/planned to meet tomorrow.
d.   In the following situations the future continuous is used for statements only:


                You will be working here.
        It is only a statement giving information to a new corner in an office.

Positive Sentence

·         He will be running on the road.
·         Zahid will be catching birds.
·         The juggler will be showing his feats.
·         The clouds will be thundering.
·         The light will be flashing.
·         It will be raining.
·         The lions will be roaring.
·         The sparrows will be chirping.

Negative Sentence

·         The dog will not be eating meat.
·         Zahid will not be making a noise.
·         He will not be telling a lie.
·         The mother will not be lulling her baby.
·         He will not be playing at cards.
·         The radio will not be playing.
·         The tap will not be tapping.

Interrogative Sentence
·         Will he be beating the drum?
·         Will flowers be blooming?
·         Will the old man be shivering with cold?
·         Will he be trembling with fear?
·         Will the postman be delivering the post?
·         Will Zahid be learning the poem by heart?
·         Will he be taking a bath?
·         Will mother be preparing lunch?
