Present Tense

The word tense comes from the Latin Tempus, which mean time.

Simple Present Tense

a.   It expresses a repeated action which indicates past, present and future.


How does Kamal earn living?
He sells books.
        The verb ‘sells’ is simple present tense. It indicates Kamal’s activities in the past, present and in the future. Here ‘selling books’ is a repeated action he sold books in past, is selling books now, and will sell books in future.
            b.     It indicated habitual actions.


        He smokes.
        It does not mean that the action is taking place right now. It show that habit and a habit comes from past, is there and often continues in future.

More Examples

Positive Sentence

·         He always speaks the truth.
·         He goes to school every day.
·         He reads good books.
·         He loves his son.
·         She loves her cat very much.
·         She likes apples.
·         She knows me.
·         She reads a novel.
·         She tells a lie.
·         She likes good friends.
·         She works a spinning wheel.
·         She hates him.
·         She writes a letter.
·         They always come back home late.
·         They love their dog very much.
·         They play hockey.
·         They remove the cause of the disease.
·         They wash out harmful acids.
·         They buy beautiful books.
·         You always come to school very late.
·         I like mangoes.      
·         We obey our parent.
·         We use milk for making cheese.
·         We pluck flowers.
·         The sun rises in the east.
·         Ali cleans his teeth.
·         Shahida sings a sad song.
·         The mother loves her children.
·         The headmaster gives me a prize.
·         The goat gives milk.
·         The peon rings the bell.
·         It weakens the body.
·         My mother loves me.
·         All the students like him.
·         The father likes games.
·         My watch keeps correct time.

Negative Sentence

·         I do not punish him.
·         I do not go to school.
·         He does not go to school.
·         They do not write a letter.       
·         We do not read the lesson.
·         He does not like this house.
·         Ali does not clean his teeth.
·         I do not take my meals.  
Interrogative Sentence
·         Does the sun set on the west?
·         When does it hail?
·         Do you like apple?  
·         Does he eat mangoes?    
·         Does she solve the sums?
·         Who boils eggs?
·         Who laughs at me?
·         Why do you laugh at him?
·         Does she sing songs?      
·         Do we offer prayers?
·         Do we play football?